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Real World Training For Real People


Are you prepared for the worst? Survival often hinges on preparedness, resources, and the abilities of those affected.

This course is not designed to instill fear, nor do we promote doom and gloom at the Woodsrunner School. Instead, it aims to equip you with practical skills and knowledge to handle various life-changing scenarios. We recognize that not all survival situations occur in the wilderness, but we know that the wilderness can provide essential resources and a safe haven during tough times. This course integrates our extensive training and experiences in wilderness survival, bushcraft, primitive skills, and woodsman skills to help you navigate and overcome natural or man-made disasters, as well as economic challenges.

Course Overview:


In this course, you will learn essential skills and techniques that can save your life or help you overcome the struggles of today's world. You never know when you might find yourself in an unexpected situation with no immediate help available. Some things cannot be learned from books or videos; they must be experienced firsthand.

We will cover preparations, procedures, and equipment usage, teaching you how to use skills, knowledge, and determination to overcome adversity. This course prepares individuals and families to not only survive but also recover from disasters, whether you decide to stay at home or evacuate.



No prior experience is required. This course welcomes individuals eager to embark on a journey toward preparedness and self-reliance.​​

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Level 3


3 Days



Skills & Topics Covered:

  • Managing Your Top Survival Priorities

  • Situational Awareness

  • Critical Thinking Under Stress

  • Firecraft

  • Navigation Using Terrain and Woodsman Skills

  • Shooting Fundamentals (Firearms & Slingshots)

  • Principles of Protein Sourcing (Scouting, Fishing & Trapping)

  • Cooking With Fire

  • Knife/Tool Usage & Maintenance

  • Plant & Tree Identification

  • Foraging & Folk Medicine Making

  • Water Procurement & Purification

  • Sheltercraft (Stealth)

  • Self-Care (Improvised First Aid & Hygiene)

  • Pack Essentials & Clothing Choices

Course Outlook:

The course will guide you in making critical decisions about what to take, where to go, and what items to have ready in case you need to leave on short notice. While some may view this as a bug-out course, the skills and knowledge shared here are valuable even if you decide or have to stay home.

Is This Course for Everyone? Yes, this course is for anyone who is preparedness-minded and wants to learn essential skills to prolong life or sustain in adverse situations no matter their skill or knowledge level. We understand not everyone plans to bug out, and some may be unable to move into a wilderness environment due to physical conditions or other reasons. This course provides a solid set of skills, knowledge, and confidence-building techniques to empower you during trying times. We have streamlined a baseline of skills and techniques over the years to guide you in choosing what will work best for you and your family.

"Failing to plan is planning to fail." Survive To Sustain ensures that when disaster strikes, you’ll have what’s needed to face it with a solid plan and proper preparation.

Eligibility Requirements: Students must be at least 16 years old

Course Expectations:


Camping on-site is not required for this course; there are hotels close to our location. One meal will be provided during our cooking lesson. We will plan to stay out overnight on Saturday night in our shelters. (You have the choice to camp in the woods or stay at basecamp or away from the school property). 


Survive To Rescue
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